Dimensions of poems

Heaven-What A Home

Hi everyone. We are all on a journey! Destination – well that depends on what road you take. There is a broad road and there is a narrow road. So how do you know which road you are on.

Now this calls for wisdom!

Heaven, what a home is a destination for all those children of God. The question is, who are the children of God.

Well Jesus says in John 1:10-13

He was in the world, and though the world was made through Him, the world did not recognize Him. He came to that which was His own, but His own did not receive Him. Yet to all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, he gave the right to become children of God-children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.

So Heaven is a home, eternal home for all God’s children. So who, wants to live forever. Why do you think Jesus rose up from the dead. Now there’s a spiritual question! Other questions people might ask:-

  • What Is Heaveñ
  • Where is Heaven
  • Who goes to Heaven
  • Why did God create Heaven

John 14:2 In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, i would have told you.

Enjoy the poem.


Heaven, God exalted and rewards

Yes with Jesus Heavenwards

See how Jesus Christ overcame the grave, A thousand years are really like one day, Heavenly citizenship, journeys way

Whatever is bound on earth is bound in Heaven, Count all the blessings God has freely given, Past, present future sins are all forgiven

Heavenly angels rejoicing over a sinner who repents, God’s Son from Heaven down to Earth was sent, Looking forward to a new Earth and Heaven-magnificient

An eternal house the greatest of all treasures, Every knee will bow before our great Creator, El Shaddai  Eloi Eloi  Son and Abba Father

Every knee will bow down before the precious lamb, Coming with the clouds of Heaven the Great I Am, Is the Holy City of God the new Heavenly Jerusalem

A holy temple in the Lord God’s Holy Spirit guaranteeing, God lives by His Spirit that’s God’s household dwelling, In the Heavenly realms clothed with every spiritual blessing

Jesus sitting at God’s right hand a place of honour, Safely brought to God’s Kingdom faith a strong tower, Mount Zion the city of God and His Holy power

The authority of the Heavenly beings serving Jesus Christ, And the dead in Christ resurrected the first in the air to rise, For everybody’s nature of sin Lord Jesus is the only sacrifice

The wife of the worthy Lamb who was innocent yet slain, Is God’s church both now and forever eternally reigns, They’ll be no more death mourning crying or pain

God the husband the church His wife the greatest marriage, The old order of things passed away Christians have courage, Reflecting the Lord’s glory transformed with unveiled faces

The wall of The Holy City and it’s 12 apostolic foundations, Every kind of precious stone and pearl light it’s decoration, That is of the Lamb’s lighted lamp everlasting glorification

The Alpha and Omega “I am coming soon behold”, Solid firm secure the wall of jasper the city of pure gold, the 12 gates of 12 pearls along Heaven’s pavements road

Emerald saronyx amethyst awesome in glory, The glory of God shines clearly as crystal brilliantly, Jewels such as jasper sapphire and chalcedony

The river of the water of life as clear as crystal, Is transparent pure as glass crysolite and also beryl, Carnelian chrysoprase jacinth brightens the city’s wall

The root offspring of David the morning star shines brighter, The tree of life fruit of crops and the water of life’s river, God’s servants will reign with God forever and ever and ever

Heaven, God’s throne and Kingdom

Yes with Jesus, Heaven what a home 

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